Sunday, September 27, 2015

Does Making Depression Okay Add To The Problem?

Quick thought: In the same way that people repress their sexual urges (they don't rape everyone they want to fuck but won't be able to) is it possible that if depression was socially unacceptable we would see a lot less of it? Would people not give in to the urge to be depressed? Just now I felt a wave of depression looming and rather than give in I fought it and in doing do, I actually diminished the feeling. Had I given in to it, I would right now be in the clutches of it. I am not sure that this is the case but I suspect that there are a lot of depressed or "bipolar" (everyone under 24 is bipolar now) people who are mostly just giving into self pity and the urge to be coddled. If the culture was not so 'understanding' I doubt there'd be as many of these people.

Or they'd just repress it and live in quiet misery, I dunno.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Did I Just Have An "A-Ha" Moment Or Am I A Misogynist?

I just powered up Mario style (I'll just leave it at that) and I started really thinking about stuff when a thought struck me and I want to share it here and ask if I am on to something or have actually crossed a line and become an actual misogynist.

Basically, in a lot of domestic violence cases, the violence is both ways. I am assuming we agree that in most cases, the man who does hit the woman first does so not literally for no reason (like, woman these eggs are overcooked *bam*); it's not the fucking 1850's, alright? It's usually during an argument. Heated argument. And what do women do during arguments? Insult. Demean. Chastise. Belittle. Provoke. Threaten. Mock.

Insult. Demean. Chastise. Belittle. Provoke. Threaten. Mock.......wait, if a man did that to a woman in their relationship, wouldn't people say that man was an emotional abuser? So isn't what these women are doing actually emotional abuse? Now, you might say that hitting is not justified as a response. I mean, it's HITTING, right? The thing is though, and this where I may lose people, say you slap someone in the face. What actually happens? Their face stings. They may feel afraid. Or enraged. Or ashamed. What's the person being emotionally abused feeling? They may feel afraid. Or enraged. Or ashamed.*

The only real difference is the stinging face, right? So you can do all that shit to people and it's okay, just don't make their face sting?

But how do you stop someone who won't stop emotionally abusing you? What if it went on and on and on? They followed you from room to room? Just refusing to leave you alone. Why can't you make their face hurt for a minute to make them stop? Are you just supposed to take it? Leave your own house? And why is she being portrayed as an innocent victim? That sounds to me like discrimination in favour of women to me.

I'm not saying it's okay to hit a wom- oh wait, I guess I am?

Am I?


But am I right?

*There`s a difference between thinking things out/asking question and defending or promoting something, so save the over the top angry comments/accusations, etc. I've never hit a female and I really couldn't see myself doing so despite what I am saying. I'm not much of a fan of hitting anybody; what I am a fan of however, is dissecting common ideas and logic testing them.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Weak Bitches

Lately I have really been noticing just how much people not only run from adversity, but they convince themselves that they can't do any different.....and then society panders to them, reaffirming this shit. I work in the medical field and it's really clear just how fucking weak and lazy people are when you talk to patients and they say I can't do x or I can't tolerate y. You have to be all "understanding" but really I wanna just be like "have you ever fucking tried?" " Do you ever challenge your inner dialogue/self definitions?"

It's a stupid, simple example, but for me personally, I was always someone who "couldn't watch needles being placed in me or I get faint/freak out." The thing is, I never tried.....until the last year or so. One day while getting an iv inserted I just decided that I was going to look. Guess what? Was fine, and have been doing it ever since. If you tell yourself "bitch, you're fucking doing this, okay? If you had a gun to your head you'd do it and you'd be fine, so stop being a pussy and just fucking do it, okay?" you can do pretty much anything, regardless of how many years you have spent telling yourself otherwise.

I started doing this with stretching and working out, and it's the same thing. "I can't, I don't have the strength" is really just "It hurts way too much and there's nothing forcing me through it, so I quit." I can bang out 10 more pushups than I thought I could, and I can hold a stretch much longer than I told myself I could, as long as I do it with a strong mindset that refuses to quit. I am pretty good at this now although I still quit a lot. It's a constant battle. Most people it seems don't ever even start the battle and they define themselves along the "I can't" line and everyone around them tells them it's okay, I can't either." It's just weakness.