Friday, February 4, 2011

Arguing with a Creationist

In the comment section here:

It's going....laughably. It's like smacking your head into a wall multiple times and expecting a different result each time even though it's never any different.

Feel free to join in!

Halo: Combat Evolved Remake In The Works

An article ( over at Joystiq is saying that an HD Remake of Halo 1 is in the works for this year.

The Whoring Continues: Weapons DLC for Dead Space 2 (Short Rant)

Three new DLC packs for Dead Space 2 have been released, and for 400 MS Points each ($5 on PSN), you can buy a bunch of overpriced crap:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Score Rush Xbox Live Indie Game Review

Score Rush XBLI Review

Score Rush, developed by two man development studio Xona Games, (edit: who I interviewed a few months after this review was written) is a mixture of two classic gameplay styles (2D Bullet Hell Shmup and Twin Stick Shmup) wrapped in a 4 player co-operative, neon coloured, $1 shell. Imagine, if you will, a mixture of Ikaruga and Robotron 2084; or, more relevant to today's gamer, and more accurate with respect to the game's visual style, Ikaruga and Geometry Wars.

Note: if you are familiar with shmup games, skip ahead to the 7th paragraph of this review (not including this one).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rant on DLC, Pre-Order Bonuses, Corporations, Consumerism, etc

Please note: This is an older post that has been sitting in draft form for some time.

This is just going to be a rambling, perhaps slughtly incoherent rant. Just go with it. Or don't, see if I care!

.....No, please, come back!! I need you! Please don't go.

*pets you*

Ok, to the rant we go.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Questions Regarding Law: Exemptions Or Discretion As Applied to Laws

Questions Regarding Law: Exemptions Or Discretion As Applied to Laws

We all know that the law allows for exemptions/discretionary treatment. The most obvious example of course being self defense laws. Murder is illegal. Assault is illegal. Assault and/or murder enacted in an effort to defend oneself from an attack is allowed. However, my question here is should this discretion be extended to other laws?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Upcoming XBLA/I Games (With Videos)

Upcoming XBLA/I (I=Indie) Games

Some great looking games in this list, but it's obviously not complete. If you know of any possibly good/great ones that are not included in this list, and you would like them to be, leave me a comment with the name of the game and a link to a video and I will amend the list to include it. Thanks!

Note: I'm not sure which of these are also going to the PS3/PC/Wii, but I know some are. I'm primarily a 360 gamer (I do have a Wii and both current handhelds), so I am looking at this as a 360 list. This is not done out of any fanboyish scorn or anything of that nature. I don't have a PS3 and don't game on my PC, so I am doing this through the lens of a 360 gamer by circumstance, not disdain for other platforms. I actually want a PS3, and will buy one in time.