Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Gaming Conventions That Need to Go! Pt. 3

1) Hey, you made it!! It's been 12 hours, you finally get to fight the boss that has been eluding and tormenting you the whole time (likely after killing or kidnapping someone close to you). This should be AWESOME! You have all those fancy skills now..............oh wait. No no no. The boss is impervious to all but one of your attacks. Figure out which one it is and then spam it for 2 minutes to win. GOOD LUCK!

2) That mysterious voice that tells you where to go/what to do.......I don't see a headset or earpiece anywhere on my character....so how the hell am I hearing you exactly?

3) Unskippable dialogue. Man, when a game has bad dialogue, or you have already played through it and just want to get to the game, not being able to skip lengthy dialogue sucks, especailly if it's text and it displays slowly. Really bad when you die and reolad and have to sit through it all again.

4) Unskippable cutscenes. Same concept as unskippable dialogue. They suck when you just don't care about the story, or if you have seen it already and just want to get to the game. This, just like with the unskippable dialogue, is especially bad when you die and relad and have to sit through it all again.

5) AI temmates in shooters being able to do things I cannot; this even happens when I am supposed to be the leader of the sqaud and they are my subordinates. An example of what I mean is in some games , the AI can take cover, but the player cannot. This makes no sense, unless there's an explanation for it in the story....which there never is.

6) Escort missions. Enough said.

7) Timed missions. See above.

The End

Thanks for reading part 3 of this series.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Nostalgia: 80's and 90's Fads

Remember these 80's/90's fads? Oh, the nostalgia!

Beanie Babies

Hackey Sacks/Footbags

Helicopter Hats and Denim Shorts on Guys

Jolt Cola


Parachute Pants (remember the sound these made when you walked?)


Rolled Up Jeans

Pogo Disc Ball....Things


Pop Rocks (remember the myth about exploding stomachs?)

Pump Up Sneakers

The Jheri Curl!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Crysis Console (Xbox 360) Screenshots

Here are a few screens from the console (xbox 360) (game is also available on the Playstation 3) version of Crysis:

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Worst Video Game Sequels Of All Time

Worst Video Game Sequels Of All Time

There's nothing quite like the anticipation for a sequel to a truly remarkable game. Likewise, there's nothing quite like the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that occurs when one realizes that said sequel fucking sucks. This has happened to all gamers at some point in their gaming life, and to most of us, it has happened on multiple occasions over the years. The incidence rates of this horrific plague have likely decreased, and significantly at that, due to the rise to prominence of the internet and the boom of the video game journalism trade. Now, we're inundated with previews, footage, interviews, demos, and reviews, so it's a lot harder to get bitch slapped with a shit sequel. Not that it doesn't happen. Somehow, despite all of it, it's still possible to get rooked. Science knows I have, several times over.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Art By Keeks

Art By Keeks

My friend Kiana is a (starving) artist who is starting to sell some of her work to make a little bit of much needed coin. Here are pics of two of her paintings:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

More Nostalgia:80's Radio Shack Ads

Best Buy Flyer from 1996

Best Buy Flyer 1996

Gamers: Check out the bottom right!