Friday, December 10, 2010

Spike TV Video Game Awards (VGA'S) and Categories are mostly BULLSHIT

I'm posting this as a response of sorts, but more to the point, as a post inspired by, SykoShadow's POST from 2 days ago regarding this year's Video Game Awards (VGA's) hosted as usual, by Spike TV. I responded to him via a lengthy comment, but that proved to be insufficient to quell my incensed mind, so here we go (much of that comment ill be migrated here, so if yo have already seen the comment, some of this will be familiar). My choices will be in bold.

Please note that I will be inserting my own nominations where I see fit (likely more often than I choose from their shitty nominees. If you don't like that, you can suck my left nipple while kneading the right one. Or, if that's not going to work for you (and likely won't for me, either) you can either leave me an angry comment, or just point your browser to something more soothing.

Also, most of this will be biased ranting, and cannot be honestly applied as valid criticisms (although some can). HOWEVER, stick it out to the end (or just skip to it) and you'll see that I have some legitimate points of contention with the VGA's.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Beat Hazard Review (Xbox 360 Indie Games)

Beat Hazard is a dual stick shooter found on the indy games section on Xbox Live which, upon first glance, will draw immediate comparisons to Geometry Wars, and for good reason; the games are similar in many ways (both of which being essentially modern versions of Asteroids). Similarly to the aforementioned Geometry Wars, this game utilizes very flashy visuals chock full of special effects, which can only be described as ''psychedelic.'' It really adds to the intensity and excitement while playing, although, it can lead to some frustration, especially during the acclimation process, but I will get to this later. Suffice it to say this is a dual stick space shooter that plays very similarly to Geometry Wars.

Geometry Wars, to which this game could be considered a spiritual successor (although it's not)

But it could be!

Friday, December 3, 2010


NOTE: This blog is a long and expletive filled rant. It is a sequel to my last rant, Rant on PR Speak (Sparked by comments by EA CEO RE: "Online Pass"). Turn back now if you cannot handle a lot of cursing and righteous anger!

Also note that it's an older one that has been sitting in draft form for a few months now.

Still here? Great, let us begin.

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Views (more like ramblings) on Abortion

Here are my thoughts on abortion. As you will see, my position is not solidifed (the general slant of it is, the details are not) and the issue is, for me, a difficult one, but not for the usual reasons. The difficulty for me lies in the fact that formulating an opinion which is not borne (pun intended?) of assertions based on arbitrary delineations is rather difficult.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Corny Pun Pwnage

On the lighter side.....

Austin Powers would be proud....

What? I don't know, don't ask.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Vatican Priest: Sex With a Condom is like a Mugger Wrapping the Pipe he uses to Beat People in Foam

So, Pope Ratface recently made a comment on condom use that has gotten the world a talkin'. Here is said comment:
There may be a basis in the case of some individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute uses a condom, where this can be a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility...

Happy Thanksgiving, America, You Fat Fucks!

Happy Thanksgiving, America, You Fat Fucks!

My daughter asked me* what Thanksgiving was all about. I considered a lie, but then remembered that as an atheist, I don't have any made up tales that I am culturally pressured into telling her, so I get to be honest. So, I told her the truth, that Thanksgiving is a day for a bunch of overfed, overprivileged people to celebrate how fat and overpriveleged they are by eating too much food.

I left out the 'stealing land from the indians' thing. I need something to tell her next year, don't I?

*The conversation detailed in this blog post may not have actually happened.