Monday, January 17, 2011

Fun with the Bible! Part Two.

This two part blog series will examine a select few inspirational biblical quotes in an effort to ascertain just how accurate the bible is in terms of science, and just how moral it is. This isn't going to be overly comprehensive, just a select few. The point is made rather easily. No need to be redundant, redundant, is there, is there?? This is Part 2.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pseudo's Enemies list

List of my enemies, in no particular order. Although those of you who are a "higher priority" know who you are.

Dragonymos - Knows too much

Magx01 - His list is better than mine

Sykoshadow - I can't think of a reason right now, but I'm sure there's one. *five minutes later* Oh that's right, for bitching to me about Dragon Quest 8.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fun with the Bible! Part One.

This two part blog series will examine a select few inspirational biblical quotes in an effort to ascertain just how accurate the bible is in terms of science, and just how moral it is. This isn't going to be overly comprehensive, just a select few. The point is made rather easily. No need to be redundant, redundant, is there, is there?? This is Part 1.

Monday, January 3, 2011

MMA vs. Boxing: Which is More Dangerous (Higher Level of Violence?)

I have heard, time and again, from boxing fans, that mixed martial arts is just a brutal bloodsport, or ''human cockfighting'' (as you have likely heard it described as well). They say boxing is more of an ''art form'', it takes skill and finesse, and all they see when they look at mixed martial arts is people beating the shit out of each other, whereas in boxing, they are trying to win by being technically superior.

This attitude demonstrates 2 things:

1) A misunderstanding of what is happening in the mixed martial arts arena.

2) A very fucked up line of differentiation.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The War on Drugs is a FAILURE

NOTE: This is a bit of a follow up of sorts, to THIS blog post from June. They are related, so it might be in your best interest to read that as well, if you wish.

So, I thought I'd talk about a war that really pisses me off, and also really saddens me, both because of how pointless and ineffective it is. The war to which I am referring is the so called “War on Drugs” that America has waged against its own populace. Of course, other countries have joined in on this thing, but America is the driving idiotic force. Now, I hate all wars, ideologically, but I do (regretfully) concur that, to some degree, and in some instances, war is, I suppose, justified (man I hate saying that!).

Monday, December 27, 2010

Shitty Fucking Christmas (Eve) and My Asshole Parents

Shitty Xmas and my Asshole Parents

Note: And yes, I celebrate Christmas despite being a devout, militant, evangelical, proselytizing, fundamentalist, extremist, presuppositional atheist and anti-theist, as well as of course being a devout, militant, fundamentalist, Dawkinist, Darwinian evolutionist who believes in eugenics and a perfect race.

I'm sentimental like that.

(And yes, that description of myself was tongue in cheek. The fact that you had to ask that makes me think you were lobotomized at some point in your life).

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas, everyone. I hope yours is off to a better start than is mine :(

I'll fill you in tomorrow.

EDIT: HERE is the Update About my Awful Experience on Xmas Eve that took me from this:


           to this: